Thursday, March 19, 2009

Banned from SL, Jason Feingold departs InV Daily!

Like you didn't see this one coming. It's been awhile but we have finally been able to confirm a few things. Firstly, Jason Feingold is no longer listed on InV Daily's list of staff. If you know where to look he's not officially on their staff list.

Secondly, Jason Feingold and all the alts we knew about are ALL GONE. We do not think this was because Jason Feingold wanted them all to be gone. We believe, as from a few sources, who all spoke with us on the condition of anonymity that he was banned because of TOS violations.

As much as Jason would like us to think he chose to retire his account and ALL his other alts. We do not agree based on several sources we spoke with inworld.

Jason Feingold had a lot invested in Second Life. We here at SL Daily Buzz believe he was removed as per SL TOS. Why would Jason Feingold retire all of his known alts all at the same time?? You know it was a great cover story, but it is just a cover-up to the real reason why he's gone.

Now the latest is that Jason Feingold is now stating he's going under ground. But let's be honest, he's a moron. We'll know who he is when he shows up again.

In case you're wondering Deepthroat Thespin, Dwayne Palianta, and Kid Trenton are all known alts of Jason Feingold and they are all no longer in Second Life as well. I am sure there are others, if you know them please let us know. But all of these alt's are no longer in Second Life the same time as Jason Feingold.

At least we won't have to look at Jason Feingold wearing those white fuzzy boots anymore! But if you see someone wearing them at a club, steer clear of them!!

Finally we wanted to wrap this posting with another great video featuring the late Jason Feingold, on where he might be right now in real life. Cheers! - Buzz

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Hot N Hung's Penis Envy

We just couldn't let this picture go by without making a comment about it. InV Daily just posted an article about the BIG event over at Hot 'N Hung which included this picture seen above. I find it hysterically funny that inV Daily is promoting and supporting a club that has a HUGE ERECT PENIS in the middle of their dance floor! I have to wonder, are they worshiping it? Probably! Are they hoping they will be able to get an erection, because of all the drugs they are taking are making them limp? Are they not well endowed enough and they worship it in the hopes that it will be bigger next time? Perhaps they are all bottoms chanting around hoping that a TOP will finally TP in to the SIM? Thank GOD it is not a FURRY ERECT PENIS!! I have been laughing from the moment I saw this picture, thank you inV for a great laugh.

InV Daily can no longer call themselves a fashion blog anymore.

Seriously, DJ Syriana a Paine? Give me a break!

So inV Daily decided to go after DJ Syriana Paine stating that she is difficult to work with and quoting several former business owners. I find it quite entertaining that in their comments they write “Don‘t Kill The Messenger.“ I had the pleasure of going to two of DJ Syriana‘s events hosted at Jake‘s Club. She certainly did not seem like a diva to me. She was friendly, engaging, fun and flirty with the crowd. I do not really know what she is like to work with as I do not know her nor have I ever spoken to her privately.

We thought we would quote her profile and let you decide!

[21:53] Zann Baxton: Syriana is not just a woman.....she's a force of nature.

[21:59] Tyler Ethaniel: Syri has been given many names.... Fantasy , Addictive, HOT, Sensational, Orgasmic ... I could go on.... one thing if not the most important thing is that at the end of the day she is unforgettable.

Saturday, March 7, 2009


We just love getting tips on new videos and this one just came over the wire a few mins ago. Because it automatically starts we will be providing links instead. A number of people complained that it automatically started without any warning and to those I apologize.





Friday, March 6, 2009


WE JUST HAD TO SHARE SINCE AMMON DID NOT WANT TO!! We saw the link on Ammon Who? and we figured WHY NOT SHOW YOU INSTEAD!!! Now you know what the BUZZ is ALL ABOUT!




If you get any other great vids like this please send them my way in world Buzz Radikal.


Tuesday, March 3, 2009

OPINION: inVd get a life!

In recent days things have been getting very ugly out there between inVd and the rest of us who do not like them. New lows have been reached and it really has gone further than we expected them to go. We won't be sharing all the disgusting sites we have been hearing about. It does not provide any value and only shows how ugly people truly are.

It is a slow week as "Ammon Who?" just posted with Ammon Pera's inVd going after Eddi Haskell yet again. Repeating old garbage that we all already know. BORING! Ammon Pera can't seem to get any new dirt so he's willing to PAY people for it!

"We'll pay 3000 for the letter of Week and 1000 for every other letter we publish. " Ammon Pera, inVd

What?! HAH!! Now that is also known as desperate.

Ammon's influence in-world has been on a down swing. You won't see or hear people talk favorably about inVd. In fact it appears that Island Projects and Fauxy Shepherd are taking a ding on their reputations because of the association with inVd. Of course we can't tell you what they are saying behind Ammon' Pera's back that just wouldn't be right. But we can say that secretly it has been said that they are having doubts about being associated with inVd and Ammon Pera. It has been painfully obvious that "DJ" Jason Feingold never did make it on to the event schedule. We'll see if the rumors are true. It is only a matter of time before Ammon Pera and Jason Feingold have no one else left to influence and manipulate. After all if so many people are saying it, it must be true!

Most people, like us here at SL Daily Buzz wish they would just delete all their accounts and go away. However, Ammon Pera and Jason Feingold don't appear to have real lives. Several of us have been monitoring their online activity and between the main avatars and their alts, they are on all day, every day for hours and hours. It's quite pathetic, and really sad to see that neither of these people have anything going on in their lives except Second Life.

Get a Real Life!