Tuesday, February 3, 2009

InVd Drama Free with a Fresh New Scent?

InVd announced yesterday that they were taking the highroad, but that does not excuse their actions and what they have done to others in the past. As a post over at Ammon Who? called "Time to end the Drama? Or.." makes a good point that it's time for "Mr. Pera, [to] tear that blog down". I wanted to re-post my reply here.

InVd cannot take the highroad while allowing all these posts that have bashed innconent people to remain on their blog!

I will agree if they tear that blog down and start anew without all those bashing posts then we'd be hard pressed to not do the same. As this is the very point we have been trying to make endlessly.

Honestly we don't think this decision was decided because they are good natured people. It is because what little support they had is slipping away! No one wants to be associated with a drama blog!? Advertisers won't pay money to be griefed by people complaining they are associated with a hater blog like inVd.

That is right! I said hater blog! Because they are a bunch of jealous untalented hateful jackasses. They lost ANY respect when they go after others thinking the stench of their actions won't affect them. Clearly the collateral damage of being an advertiser there is costing people plenty. I certainly won't patronize any paying advertiser on InVd.

As far as I am concerned they still reek of the same nasty odor of drama!


  1. Hey Buzz they are staliing me now constantly inworld. Today I have had to file 8 abuse reports. Did you see what was on google reader?
    The airehad actually was thinking of posting the logs from the chat spy he planted on my land!!!!
    Not only would I be reporting his ass for that but also the 8 other people who he was also spying on at the time.
    I suppose he probably thought of that and wont be printing it but I have a full screen shot of the admission to bugging my land. silly boys lol.

  2. Natalie, Sounds like fun with LL Abuse Reports! One can only hope that they finally do something about it. It would be good to know if anything comes from these abuse reports or is it like the SEC where nothing is done?
