Monday, January 26, 2009

OPINION: Dumb and Dumber, MTD1952

You know I have to admit I nodded off a few times trying to read what MTD1952 Timeless had to say in his lackluster "Dum, Dum, Dee, Dum" blog posting.

I have to admit it was well written. But lets break it down, shall we?

"Personal attacks on blog-sites, critical of my wardrobe, my choice of shoes, my association with InVogue, all of which are part of an online "game" that I play, called "Second Life". Well, whoop-de-fookin'-doo! Some folks have waaaaay too much time on their hands, methinks."

MTD1952, you 'work' (and I use the term loosely) for that "fashion blog". You have no taste nor any fashion sense, why are you posting on a blog that supposedly proclaims to be about "fashion". You certainly don't qualify. I am just calling it as we all see it. Time for a makeover if you ask me and everyone else that has the displeasure of gazing upon your avatar.

"What fascinates me is the marginal literacy of the participants in all this garbage, and its scant resemblance to anything remotely identifiable as "journalism", which is the only reason I ever penned a comment or blog post..."

What fascinates me is that you still don't understand the point everyone else is making. InV Daily has constantly attacked, slandered, and is libel for their actions. InV Daily does not truly allow free speech, and is moderated if you don't agree with what they say. If Ammon doesn't like someone, the bashing is endless.

Has Ammon Pera seen the light?

We don't think Ammon Pera realizes it yet, but he is responsible for all the negative blogging that has been happening. Through his "fashion blog" he has permitted people to slander, attack, or post RL facts and information on his rag blog. Get it? Maybe? Possibly? Probably not!

The newest posting about Eddi Haskell has taken things to the next level. This has nothing to do with 'fashion' or 'fun on the fly' at all. If anyone is responsible for the blog that Eddi Haskell has created it is Ammon Pera and the InV Daily goons.

We don't condone what Eddi Haskell is doing on his 'parody' blog. As we do not condone what InV Daily is doing to avatars on their rag blog permitting people to attack someone anonymously and unabated.

InV Daily has abused Eddi Haskell endlessly at every turn and opportunity. As you can see from the posting that was just posted just today.

"I have consciously and determinedly refrained from responding to any of the ongoing "wars" between certain blogsters and factions who seem to have some sort of sick, childish agenda and incredibly overinflated self-images which drive them to initiate social warfare rather than social interchange, in these venues."

Actually, you have not refrained at all, you have on many occasions participated in it. Sorry you're just as guilty as Ammon Pera, Jason Feingold and the rest of the cronies at InV. You make no apology for your hand in the drama that all of you actively participate in.

What InV Daily has done to many many people is indeed sick, and childish. InV Daily staff all have overinflated self-images which has driven others to blog and speak up about their involvement in the garbage and slanderous posts they have published. Look in the mirror, it's really not so pretty.

"My beautiful fellow Second Life residents, your avatars are just pixel-dolls, and real life is much, much more important than anything that happens there, but still the attitudes and mannerisms that permeate your Second-Life persona are, in some ways, reflections of what's inside the human being at the keyboard. Think a bit, choose to portray what's of value to you, (if anything), and if acrimony, hate, exploitation, and greed are your pastimes, then by all means, bring them along with you, to render our Second Life experience more "real", for these are parts of any world in which human beings walk."

We couldn't agree with you more. How Ammon Pera and the rest of the goon squad have permitted attacks upon people and have been treated on your blog is reprehensible beyond all telling. All of you truly have no conscience for your own actions. It is time that someone point out your own mistakes and how you take no accountability for your part in what happens to people.

It is your fault for the backlash that has sprung up. The double standard and self-righteous is just absolute with all of you. It is time for you to understand that YOU have CAUSED what is happening UPON you. You know, Karma?

How you can absolve yourselves from any responsibility is dumbfounding beyond comprehension.

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