So does a nudist concern themselves with fashion? As a nudist you don't wear clothes! So when inVd announced their association with Hot-n-Hung I had to laugh out loud. These are the signs of two dying groups trying to survive. With the likes of inVd army of alts, Fauxy Shepherd is desperate to do anything to keep HnH alive.
As Reported By: TheTruthComesOut from the SLINWorldToday.com reply. I thought it was worth making a special posting about what was said.
The latest is that Fauxy Shepherd of Hot-n-Hung lost two of their DJ's. Both DJ Greg and DJ Syriana quit after Fauxy Shepherd decided to associate himself with inVd. Fauxy has hired guess who? Jason Feingold for an upcoming Saturday gig.
Jason will be up against Tainted Boys, who he hates just so much. He's been harassing Adonis this week according to TheTruthComesOut. Now that Jason has something to do I am sure Adonis of Tainted Boys would like a break from the harassment.
Fauxy doesn't realize that Ammon Pera & Jason Feingold are the kiss of death for just about every club their associated with! Associating with Ammon Pera you are on your way out of business.
"Your mall patrons will surely leave in droves once they realize that you are in bed with haters Ammon and Jason. Fauxy how much cash were you stupid enough to lay out for that InV ad? No one else pays now." said TheTruthComesOut in the posting.
It now appears that Fauxy's decision to become the InV in house watering hole is due more to love then financial reasons. No sane person would lose number 1 DJ Syriana to former DJ Jason "nutbag" Feingold.
ReplyDeleteThe Hot and Hung Mall was filing up fast, and Syriana was pulling in the crowds. Hot and Hung seemed to be reviving.
However, Fauxy is now the property of one of Ammon Pera's biggest supporters, Island Projects (aka artist Colt Parx), the owner of Animation Rising. Here is what Fauxy says about his relationship with uber Master Island.
"I am very proudly collared to Master Island Projects as his loving (restricted) pet.
Collared Proudly: 2/1/2009"
Look, here is the bottom line. If Fauxy feels that his love needs are best served by being Island's pet, and business needs served by being InV's watering hole,so be it. They do need to be allowed in somewhere!
However, if he goes ahead and actually hires fomer DJ certified stalker Jason "nutbag" Feingold, who continues to grieve and threaten people inworld with his stalking, we need to tell our many friends who own stores at H and H Mall, and patronize the place, to go elsewhere to do their business. And they will.
Anyplace that actually hires former D.J. Jason back needs to know just how angry all of us will be.
However, there is not that much to worry about. Fauxy is far from stupid and has told his closest friends that Jason is a non starter at his establishment.
Good move Fauxy.
And the best of luck to you. Make sure that Ammon comes to visit on a regular basis. You will then need it.
I liked Hot and Hung. I wish Fauxy the best of luck going ahead and hope it works out for him. But my advice would be to not appear to be taking sides as much as he can.
ReplyDeleteThe link below is a mistake btw, I can't figure out why I leave these things and dont know how to remove them!
ReplyDeleteI just read something priceless in InV by former DJ Jason Feingold. At least he is honest! He just admitted that paid advertising will keep InV off your ass in the event they have any reason at all to attack you.
ReplyDeleteQuote from Jason Feingold in an article about Ian Barfield and Grampian Estates:
" Many of you will know that Ian Bartfeld regularly paid for advertising here at inVd, which is why we’ve taken the decision to close comments on this topic and only allow direct testimony from the individuals who have been affected by the closure of Grampian. More news and further details on this breaking story are coming soon. If you have been affected by the closure of Grampian and would like to tell your side of the story, then of course if you have not done so already, you can contact me (Jason Feingold) in world."
Now, this is called extortion. If you PAY for your ads we will not ATTACK you. The funny thing is, that Jason actually thinks he is doing the community a public service here!
Well, I for one will not be shopping at Buly's anymore, despite loving his product lines. Not going to even indirectly support this round of Drama H n H is springing on SL. The only good thing I can say about H n H is that you knew, everytime Regi won the contest board, it was legit /sarcasm off.