Thursday, October 22, 2009

OUPS!! .::MADesigns Hair::. COMPLETE Collection Giveaway!

KMADD accidentally gave away their entire men's hair collection to their kMADd Enterprise group just a few minutes ago. If you were one of those who had actually saved the attachment you would of been floored to realize that it was their FULL permission of their entire men's line.

Once Maddox DuPont realized what he had done, he closed the notices, send out a message saying the following:


Group Despantio
Fri Oct 23 01:12:41 2009

"We will be despending the group and you may be ejected. Please do not take it personally - you will be able to join the group again next time you visit KMADD. We can not send you invite to each and one of you but we need to close this group. No IM will be answered. KMADD apologies for the inconvenience."


Everyone was Ejected from the group. KMADD recently announced that there were over 22000 members in the group!

It has been quite some time since I have posted something but when I do, it's a whopper! To be honest it is a complete shocker.

It is the biggest mistake any creator in Second Life could make. I will say he did clear it out quickly so the damage has been minimized as possible.

Tell us what you think? Did you get it in time?

- Buzz

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

What happened to Aspire? Seven Months Later!

Well a great article was published over at Shopping Cart Disco where I just had to re post the article and the comment I made over there. Apparently the two who owned Aspire disappeared in to thin air never to be heard from again, walking away with money from people.

Note: Just to be clear, Aspire had a sim called Aspire Isle, a fashion magazine, and a modeling agency. All gone.

-------[ORIGINAL ARTICLE]-------

Aspire Disappears; Seven Months Later, Still Nothing
by Tenshi Vielle

So, I’m still catching up on what the heck happened in Second Life while I was busy battling RL drama. Apparently, Aspire Isle disappeared in September.

Why am I just now looking into this? A co-designer sent me this notecard:

Hi Tenshi,

I know of you through DIS group and through reading your blog. We also both had a store located on Aspire Isle. You seem to be a bit of a slueth and I’m wondering if you have heard anything about what is going on with that? In particular, the Shop Line thing. I paid roughly $27K in lindens for a one year subscription to that group. I’ve sent requests to Kristianne Matfield to be refunded….and I have as of yet gotten a response…or a refund.

Anyway, I’m sure the money is long gone by now, but of all things that gets dragged out into the open in the blog community, I have never heard any mention of this. Maybe I just missed it, I don’t know. So that’s why I’m contacting you, to see if you know anything of it.


Hrm. Come to think of it, I was owed an ad by Aspire, after the transfer.

I started poking around. Kristianne Matfield’s avatar still exists in SL, and still has a profile, (The Duality group says she was online 4/4/09) but when I tried to TP to my Aspire isle location - nothing. No server response - the island is gone. The blog went stagnant on September 3rd, 2008. No communication, no notices, nothing.

Granted, Aspire lost much of its luster after Bianca Darling sold it. Aspire was her baby, and the new owners just didn’t share the same passion for it as Bianca did. The sim was majorly automated - 20% proceeds were taken from my vendor sales via script, and interacting with the sim/owners/etc was simply not necessary.

Everyone who prepaid for the ShopLine service is getting nothing. All the advertisers are getting nothing. BabyHoney Bailey, manager, got nothing but flack after Kristianne and Bendover up and disappeared, saddling her with the disgruntled shop owners and advertisers.

When Kristianne and Bendover took over the magazine, the new issue under new management was slotted for May 1st but didn’t come out until August 1st. Kristianne and Bendover’s online prescense after that issue slowly tapered out to nothing. They stopped responding to messages. One of the photographers for the magazine was in the middle of a shoot for the next issue when Bendover disappeared from the shoot completely, never to be seen again. No statement issued, nothing. The editors knew nothing. Babyhoney Bailey took the shaft for everything.

People assumed that Babyhoney knew the story because she was the one closest to them - truth be told, she knew as much as anyone else. Babyhoney and Kristianne were friends outside of Second Life as well, but from what I understand, Kristianne stopped communicating with Babyhoney entirely. No more answering her phone calls. No answered emails. Nothing.

Sounds like the money was burning a hole in Kristianne and Ben’s respective pockets.

As a retailer and former supporter of Aspire, I am annoyed to discover that I not only missed this happening due to lack of announcement, but that I am out of a shop space that I once enjoyed and am out the advertisement space I am owed. There’s no one to complain to at this point… there’s just nothing.


-------[SL DAILY BUZZ REPLY]-------

Erin, I absolutely love what you said! May I quote you?

"Ethical people don’t just disappear, leaving staff, clients and the rest of the grid in the dark. Period." - Erin

I really don't really care what lame excuse people use to excuse their poor actions. Just know NOT to trust Kristianne Matfield and Bender Hamer as they have proven to be unreliable.

If what is being reported here is true what Moria said "Bianca Darling came to the first show they did and then passed her a notecard detailing everything she did wrong and telling her how terrible it was. I know she was very angry because she felt Bianca sold it to her and was still trying to run it."

I'd rip Bianca a new one. Who is she to pass out nc's about something she has nothing to do with? Or was it really that bad? Well who's fault is that? If it was so bad, clearly they were not prepared or shown how to do it. Who knows I was not there, so I really cannot say.

Ultimately that is no excuse for what these people did. As for what Anne Toole said, "Anyone done the math? A sim costs a lot. Used to cost more." Yes you are right it is expensive. But they should of had a proper business plan if that was the case. Clearly, they failed on everyone who was there supporting them without a word.

Despicable. SL is fraught with this kind of shameless behavior. One thing you learn is to pay month to month because no one can guarantee they will be around to fulfill those obligations.

Well I have to admit I was wondering what happened to Aspire, and it did seem like it just went silent. I am glad that someone has posted about it.

And just to answer Jenny's question about who is Babyhoney Bailey. She was the won who had been the first person to win the Miss Universe (now known as Miss Virtual World) contest. She had turned in her crown decrying that she was never given any of the prises that were promised her. She was also on the staff of Aspire at the time and they took a lot of heat for it. I really don't know if it was true or not, and honestly, I do not really care. Nor would I even classify Babyhoney Bailey famous.

As for Frolic Mills, either you hate him or you love him. Everyone seems to hate him because they are jealous of his success. However he achieved it, he did it, and there will be people out there who will want to tear him down for it. If Frolic Mils is as terrible as people say, believe me it is only a matter of time before the truth is out there.

From what I have been able to surmise is that most people who hate him are jealous of him. To be honest, I don't see why anyone would be jealous of him or even waste the energy to hate him. It is such a wasteful emotion.

If I had to pick anyone to dislike or hate it would be people who publicly abuse/attack other people just because they do not like them. There are only two people I know of who do this, and one got deleted from SL and the other one has ruined their reputation permanently, and have made themselves irrelevant because of it.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

UPDATE: RUNWAY's Maggie Mahoney Comes Clean!

Well to be perfectly honest, I was quite surprised that Maggie chose to post on our blog. I appreciate that she took the time and effort to let us know that she was going to explain all the details of what has been going on with RUNWAY and her timeline. If you ask me, the most important part of that drawn-out saga of a response (well written as well) is this part:

As the magazine will now be closing permanently, the funds secured from the sale of the Bryant Park sim and other personal asset holdings will be used to reimburse advertising clients for prepaid ad sales, prepaid deposits on show services, and to pay the staff for their work on the April issue. My account as Maggie Mahoney will remain open to finalize all of that and then will be closed permanently. I will not be logging into Second Life for any other purpose and will do so only to handle closing business matters. If someone IMs and I do not respond, please do not take it personally. My focus will be to finalize things and then get on with my real life. Ocean closed his account the day we decided to close the magazine; mine simply stayed open to deal with the sim sale and finalization of assets as many were in my name, and for no other reason.

You can see that the groundwork to pass total ownership to the staff was in place or being put into place.
Maybe my choice of not calling in the staff to discuss things was a mistake; hindsight is always 20/20. In all honestly, neither of us wanted to sit there and listen to hundreds of questions, say goodbyes, etc.; we had faith in this group of people that we had worked with, some upwards of a year or better, that they would continue on their own independently, not jump ship and side up with BOSL. I was very disappointed personally to learn that they did not have the courage and faith in themselves and each other to do what we felt they would do. If we had known that it would have come to all of this - we would have just closed it, sold the sim and other assets, paid the bills, and left without giving anyone the chance to keep it going. That was our mistake.


I respectfully disagree with Maggie's assertion that she laid out the groundwork to properly hand over the magazine to the staff. Sending out a message to the staff does not cut it. If you really wanted to transition the magazine over you needed to put people in to place who would want to take it over, and make sure they were well prepared, and properly trained to do the job!

Maggie and Ocean's decision to leave SL and RUNWAY was done in haste, very sloppy and as we know, poorly done. It all turned out to be quite a mess because of the way they did things.

Maggie is correct, if she just wanted to shutter the magazine she should have unwound the business properly as she now says she is doing. But what made Maggie think that her staff was prepared take over the magazine to the level she suggested or even wanted to? After all, SHE DID NOT TALK TO ANYONE DIRECTLY! As we all can see from her 'last' posting there is a lot of work when doing a magazine. Not something that someone can be just thrown in to doing. That was clearly demonstrated with all the details Maggie posted if you took the time to read the entire thing.

The complexity of the magazine and the liabilities is something not just anyone would want to take on when they can't even TALK TO YOU!! LOL! How laughable! Maggie clearly admits she did not talk to anyone about it. The log of messages of people frantically trying to sort things out is clearly an indication that the way she did it was wrong.

It could have been simple. Really simple. But no. Maggie and Ocean threw havoc and chaos in the wind as the staff tried to walk through the storm they created. She should have arranged a meeting with the key staff that she wanted to take over the magazine. Or at least the top two, namely, Thalia and EmmZ! If she really wanted the magazine to live on she could have handled this. But, quite honestly, we can see Maggie really did not care at all. She decided to leave in a rush and left everyone attempting to rearrange deck chairs on the Titanic. When you do not have the ability to communicate and provide transition and an adjustment period for people, it is going to implode as it did.

As for Frolic Mills, it is proven by the atttached messages in Maggies 'last' blog that people did in fact go to Frolic Mills. They later changed their minds when they realized that Frolic Mills intended not to keep RUNWAY in its current form.

I am still convinced that if Maggie had done the proper thing here and communicated with her staff they could have easily transitioned everything over given time and genuine interest. Clearly Thalia and EmmZ did not know how Maggie felt about Frolic Mills or how he would want to change the way RUNWAY Magazine was setup.

Finally, we see that Maggie Mahoney and Ocean Bates did not really care enough to do things the right way. That is to keep the RUNWAY Magazine going. Sadly, they made a laughing stock out of RUNWAY Magazine and themselves. I certainly understand if none of her former staff want anything to do with them. What a damn shame. But the truth is Maggie and Ocean are leaving everyone else behind and they have no plans of coming back.

Maggie Mahoney and Ocean Bates, best of luck to both of you, and may Maggie overcome her breast cancer and have 100% recovery.

Friday, April 10, 2009


Well you know I am not one to take sides, but I believe that Frolic Mills is stating the truth about what happened in this press release. This is based on what was posted by the actual staff of RUNWAY themselves.

I also saw the original post where Maggie stated clearly that SHE LEFT IT UP TO THE STAFF to decide what to do next. Sorry Maggie Mahoney, you can’t decide one thing. Run off with the advertiser’s money, not pay your hard working staff and get away with it! You ran off with their money, you are a THIEF!

You do not deserve any kind of consideration after what you did to everyone who trusted you, had faith in you, and worked for you and conducted business with you. Shameless!

See the press release below.



Re: Runway Magazine

Maggie Mahoney
just made a press release accusing BOSL to have taken advantage of the RUNWAY
Staff by quickly ‘moving’ to get the magazine.

I find this quite
interesting since it was the staff who invited me to their meeting, and it was
their decision to let BOSL run it. I offered to help out specially because of
all the outstanding contracts she left unfulfilled and for which she gave no
refunds at all.

RUNWAY MAGAZINE is in financial liability and will no
longer have any working servers inworld. My only intention with acquiring this
magazine was to rescue the good name and reputation of the publishing world, and
to help the RUNWAY staff keep their jobs. There is no other advantage.

But, since she has made it clear that she does not want BOSL to be
involved with RUNWAY MAGAZINE, I will now gladly return it to all the staff

Maggie Mahoney resigned from RUNWAY and left it to her staff
with full permissions to do as they pleased. Therefore, Maggie Mahoney has no
longer any rights over RUNWAY MAGAZINE nor logos and should not be heard in any
future decision making.

I wish all the Runway staff the best of luck.

And as for me, I will do what I do best. I will create my own branding
of fashion excellence.


Frolic Mills

Thursday, April 9, 2009

RUNWAY'S Maggie Mahoney a Thief?!

Maggie Mahoney, CEO of RUNWAY Magazine, has decided to close RUNWAY MAGAZINE after taking advertisers money and not paying her staff for the April Issue of RUNWAY MAGAZINE.

Ocean Bates and Maggie Mahoney should be ashamed of themselves if this is actually true. I have been carefully following the RUNWAY Magazine blog and found the obituary that she posted about herself and found it very disturbing. Who else has ever written their own obituary? Not anyone of right mind, just creepy.

It has also come to my attention that NO ONE ON THE STAFF was told she was closing the magazine. They all found out on from a lousy blog obituary posting. It was Maggie and Ocean that took the lindens and screwed over everyone who has also poured time, effort and love into that magazine. To turn around and just ditch everyone who has worked so hard and so long for her is terrible. Even if Maggie does have RL medical issues, this is not the way to handle things.

As for Frolic Mills apparently seizing control over the RUNWAY Magazine, I think Maggie should consider how poorly she left the entire staff, not talking to them, not working with them to transition them to work on their own. Perhaps Maggie should have considered her staff that she claims to have cared for and loved so much to have treated them better and the magazine like this.

If you look at the current issue, it is 100,000,000% better thant it was even 6 months ago. RUNWAY Magazine was finally on the level of BOSL magazine in terms of quality. Maggie, if you are really cared about RUNWAY MAGAZINE and not your ego you would have handled things differently and communicated with your staff better. You only have yourself to blame for destroying one of SL's best fashion magazines ever made.

Maggie, do the right thing pay your staff, and refund advertiers and designers who have paid you for future advertising that you now will not be doing. No one would have ever expected someone so well respected like you to screw over everyone like this! Shame one you!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Banned from SL, Jason Feingold departs InV Daily!

Like you didn't see this one coming. It's been awhile but we have finally been able to confirm a few things. Firstly, Jason Feingold is no longer listed on InV Daily's list of staff. If you know where to look he's not officially on their staff list.

Secondly, Jason Feingold and all the alts we knew about are ALL GONE. We do not think this was because Jason Feingold wanted them all to be gone. We believe, as from a few sources, who all spoke with us on the condition of anonymity that he was banned because of TOS violations.

As much as Jason would like us to think he chose to retire his account and ALL his other alts. We do not agree based on several sources we spoke with inworld.

Jason Feingold had a lot invested in Second Life. We here at SL Daily Buzz believe he was removed as per SL TOS. Why would Jason Feingold retire all of his known alts all at the same time?? You know it was a great cover story, but it is just a cover-up to the real reason why he's gone.

Now the latest is that Jason Feingold is now stating he's going under ground. But let's be honest, he's a moron. We'll know who he is when he shows up again.

In case you're wondering Deepthroat Thespin, Dwayne Palianta, and Kid Trenton are all known alts of Jason Feingold and they are all no longer in Second Life as well. I am sure there are others, if you know them please let us know. But all of these alt's are no longer in Second Life the same time as Jason Feingold.

At least we won't have to look at Jason Feingold wearing those white fuzzy boots anymore! But if you see someone wearing them at a club, steer clear of them!!

Finally we wanted to wrap this posting with another great video featuring the late Jason Feingold, on where he might be right now in real life. Cheers! - Buzz

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Hot N Hung's Penis Envy

We just couldn't let this picture go by without making a comment about it. InV Daily just posted an article about the BIG event over at Hot 'N Hung which included this picture seen above. I find it hysterically funny that inV Daily is promoting and supporting a club that has a HUGE ERECT PENIS in the middle of their dance floor! I have to wonder, are they worshiping it? Probably! Are they hoping they will be able to get an erection, because of all the drugs they are taking are making them limp? Are they not well endowed enough and they worship it in the hopes that it will be bigger next time? Perhaps they are all bottoms chanting around hoping that a TOP will finally TP in to the SIM? Thank GOD it is not a FURRY ERECT PENIS!! I have been laughing from the moment I saw this picture, thank you inV for a great laugh.

InV Daily can no longer call themselves a fashion blog anymore.

Seriously, DJ Syriana a Paine? Give me a break!

So inV Daily decided to go after DJ Syriana Paine stating that she is difficult to work with and quoting several former business owners. I find it quite entertaining that in their comments they write “Don‘t Kill The Messenger.“ I had the pleasure of going to two of DJ Syriana‘s events hosted at Jake‘s Club. She certainly did not seem like a diva to me. She was friendly, engaging, fun and flirty with the crowd. I do not really know what she is like to work with as I do not know her nor have I ever spoken to her privately.

We thought we would quote her profile and let you decide!

[21:53] Zann Baxton: Syriana is not just a woman.....she's a force of nature.

[21:59] Tyler Ethaniel: Syri has been given many names.... Fantasy , Addictive, HOT, Sensational, Orgasmic ... I could go on.... one thing if not the most important thing is that at the end of the day she is unforgettable.

Saturday, March 7, 2009


We just love getting tips on new videos and this one just came over the wire a few mins ago. Because it automatically starts we will be providing links instead. A number of people complained that it automatically started without any warning and to those I apologize.





Friday, March 6, 2009


WE JUST HAD TO SHARE SINCE AMMON DID NOT WANT TO!! We saw the link on Ammon Who? and we figured WHY NOT SHOW YOU INSTEAD!!! Now you know what the BUZZ is ALL ABOUT!




If you get any other great vids like this please send them my way in world Buzz Radikal.


Tuesday, March 3, 2009

OPINION: inVd get a life!

In recent days things have been getting very ugly out there between inVd and the rest of us who do not like them. New lows have been reached and it really has gone further than we expected them to go. We won't be sharing all the disgusting sites we have been hearing about. It does not provide any value and only shows how ugly people truly are.

It is a slow week as "Ammon Who?" just posted with Ammon Pera's inVd going after Eddi Haskell yet again. Repeating old garbage that we all already know. BORING! Ammon Pera can't seem to get any new dirt so he's willing to PAY people for it!

"We'll pay 3000 for the letter of Week and 1000 for every other letter we publish. " Ammon Pera, inVd

What?! HAH!! Now that is also known as desperate.

Ammon's influence in-world has been on a down swing. You won't see or hear people talk favorably about inVd. In fact it appears that Island Projects and Fauxy Shepherd are taking a ding on their reputations because of the association with inVd. Of course we can't tell you what they are saying behind Ammon' Pera's back that just wouldn't be right. But we can say that secretly it has been said that they are having doubts about being associated with inVd and Ammon Pera. It has been painfully obvious that "DJ" Jason Feingold never did make it on to the event schedule. We'll see if the rumors are true. It is only a matter of time before Ammon Pera and Jason Feingold have no one else left to influence and manipulate. After all if so many people are saying it, it must be true!

Most people, like us here at SL Daily Buzz wish they would just delete all their accounts and go away. However, Ammon Pera and Jason Feingold don't appear to have real lives. Several of us have been monitoring their online activity and between the main avatars and their alts, they are on all day, every day for hours and hours. It's quite pathetic, and really sad to see that neither of these people have anything going on in their lives except Second Life.

Get a Real Life!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Update: inVd & Co. Banned, NOT so Hawt or Haute!



Finally the pressure is on! Well-established businesses and organizations begin to move against inVd and those who associate with them. Let it be known that the toxic and venomous associations with inVd has finally had a backlash from those they attack, mock, and attempt to humiliate on that hate blog.

As they themselves have reported on their own site (and later removed), inVd staff (all two of them, lol) and their associates (aka alts) have all been banned from the beautiful Costa Rica Sims. Why you ask? Perhaps it is because of their outright attacks on some of the Costa Rica Executive Team? Perhaps it's the use of the butchered Costa Rica Sims logo for their smack article about nonsense, and bull shit?

The attacks continue at inVd, Ammon Pera and Jason Feingold will not stop with Costa Rica. I have it on good authority that more attacks are on the horizon. No one wants to be associated with these kinds of degenerates.

Hot 'N Hung launching their big weekend event.

Hot 'N Hung allows Furry and Humans, I can see all the really hot avatars in SL frolicking over there. NOT! I won't comment on some of the Deejays but I will tell you that it won't help their reputations by being associated with Hot 'N Hung and inVd. That is my humble opinion.

So isn't Hot 'N Hung a gay nudest colony? What does this have to do with fashion? If you don't wear clothes?! Can anyone tell me?

Saturday, February 21, 2009

inVd is DRAMA

WOW! It's official. inVd is a hater blog. Let's give you the run down. Ammon Pera and Jason Feingold can't contain their hatred for Rawly Rousselot, NATALIE Niven, Luca Mielziner and others.

InVd is not about fashion, they are not about fun on the fly! They are all about hate! We are quite tired and totally over their drama. To be quite honest it's not even good drama, it is more like wannabe somebody important drama. Let's talk about important people and dig up "dirt" on them and let's make them look bad.

Jason Feingold was totally caught with his pants down! Please pull them back up there is nothing worth looking at, so I hear! Hah!!! So we first start things off with Jason attacking Lady Shamrock who WE ALL KNOW IS supposed to be NATALIE Niven! Seriously that was one of the poorest pieces of crap I ever read! I could not even bother reading it all. I just skimmed it.

We ALL KNOW Jason Feingold IS Deepthroat Thespian! Please! Seriously MobyDick called it right when he said "These are the days of our SLives.." Jason go GET A LIFE!

Next up was the Costa Rica Sims Executive Team under attack. If you have never been there, they are some of the most beautiful sims in SL. Take a look at their site: Costa Rica Sims of Second Life

Here Ammon Pera attempts to make Rawly Rousselot look bad. If you ask me it just makes Ammon Pera look like the low life. It also does not really make any sense. So he is clearly having an IM conversation with him. Big deal.

LASTLY (until they decide to post more smack about someone else) they have accused NATALIE Niven of saying "Frolic Mills is a f*ggot!" Well if you know NATALIE Niven, you know she's does not have an issue with gay people. So even IF she did say it, I am sure she did not mean it the way inVd interpreted it.

I have to laugh at the stupidity that is inVd!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

HnH Hung Out To Dry?

So does a nudist concern themselves with fashion? As a nudist you don't wear clothes! So when inVd announced their association with Hot-n-Hung I had to laugh out loud. These are the signs of two dying groups trying to survive. With the likes of inVd army of alts, Fauxy Shepherd is desperate to do anything to keep HnH alive.

As Reported By: TheTruthComesOut from the reply. I thought it was worth making a special posting about what was said.

The latest is that Fauxy Shepherd of Hot-n-Hung lost two of their DJ's. Both DJ Greg and DJ Syriana quit after Fauxy Shepherd decided to associate himself with inVd. Fauxy has hired guess who? Jason Feingold for an upcoming Saturday gig.

Jason will be up against Tainted Boys, who he hates just so much. He's been harassing Adonis this week according to TheTruthComesOut. Now that Jason has something to do I am sure Adonis of Tainted Boys would like a break from the harassment.

Fauxy doesn't realize that Ammon Pera & Jason Feingold are the kiss of death for just about every club their associated with! Associating with Ammon Pera you are on your way out of business.

"Your mall patrons will surely leave in droves once they realize that you are in bed with haters Ammon and Jason. Fauxy how much cash were you stupid enough to lay out for that InV ad? No one else pays now." said TheTruthComesOut in the posting.

Monday, February 16, 2009

A Kinder SL Daily Buzz?

SL Daily Buzz was created specifically in response to the antics over at inVd. Our sole mission was to provide an alternate space where people could comment about the terrible actions undertaken by the likes of Ammon Pera and Jason Feingold.

This of course has not stopped their 'gossip' postings. We realize that we cannot stop them from behaving this way. We don't hate the people behind the avatars but we dislike their actions. By abusing other avatars in SL by using their blog as a bully pulpit to attack, slander, discredit and harass other avatars is wrong.

If we were to post all of Ammon Pera's dirty laundry it would be justified, as he has done so to others. However, we certainly don't want to become just like them. We all have our opinions and views. But we do not use a 'publication' as a way to humiliate others.

We may be able to forgive the person, but not their actions. Especially since they continue to use inVd as a tool to hurt others by posting and leaving up mean posts and bashing comments available to anyone publicly.

In any case, moving forward, SL Daily Buzz will attempt to refrain from such behavior. This toxic and unhealthy behavior that happens at inVd has drawn a lot of negative feedback. Ammon Pera and Jason Feingold have completely destroyed their reputations. Any respect they used to have has ultimately made any hopes of their recovery from this impossible.

They have driven many good people from SL. SL is supposed to be fun. Don't let these types of avatars ruin your SL! It is best to stay far away from them. Do not share real life information with anyone. You never know what kind of person is on the other side of that screen.

We will continue to respond to, comment on and express our perspective of their shenanigans.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Well Known DJ's Missing From inVd List!

Amazingly inVd is missing some well known DJ's in Second Life! They have crossed paths with inVd and Ammon Pera in the not so distant past. We won't name these DJ's as I am sure they won't want to be associated with inVd and their drama! But I find it very funny that these DJ's had apparently been submitted to inVd and none of them ever made it on the list! How ironic that Ammon Pera and Jason Feingold would not mention these DJ's!

We also have to laugh about one who DID make the list! If you had the displeasure of ever hearing Jason Feingold, you'd agree that he does not belong on that list!! Hahaha!

Here is a copy of their original post, do you see anyone missing? Let us know and reply!!!

Favorite DJ's as listed by the readers of inVdaily:

Music is one of the many things what brings us together in SL. We grind to wild rhythm on the dance floor or sway to melodies pulling each other close. Whatever the genre, SL's clubs are one of the cornerstones of our social fabric. The magicians who weave that spell on us nightly are the DJ's whose talents make the clubs we love come alive. We asked who makes your feet move and were happy to hear from so many of you. We compiled all the comments into the ultimate DJ list in SL. We hope that if you are looking for a DJ for your club or event, you take a second to choose one of the amazing entertainers to help you make memorable moments for your guests. If you are just looking for a great time and a place to dance and listen to your favorite tunes, reach out to any of these phenomenal artists to find out when and where they are playing next. There's no excuse to stay home alone when you can be out meeting new people and enjoying old friends with one of SL's ultimate DJ's.

(in alphabetic order)
Addy Hax
Adham Decuir
Adonis Lubitsch
Aeschylus Shepherd
Alma Anthony
Andrey Messmer
Anjey Amat
Aramir Ayala
Ars Northmead * had the most comments by inVd readers*
Austin Gregoire
Azufr3 Catteneo
Benny Klang
Blaze64 Brocco
Braden Darkstone
Bren Betts
BruceLee Slade
Cash Bonetto
Celeb Praga
Chester Howley
Dafydd Sodwind
Dagon Harrison
Denver Fegte
Diamond Shelford
Dio Wexler
Doti Fall
Doubledown Tandino
Doug Perinal
Ellena Broome
Erin Messmer
Fauxy Shepherd
Finnegan Chesnokov
Fleur Ferris
Flo Cale
HarleyMC Homewood
Heloq Tomsen
Hoaghes Beaumont
Hobbes Abattoir
Ibayn Kyomoon
Insyx Piranha
Jamy Niekerk
Jase Sin
Jason Feingold
Jaxx Tardis
Jefferson Rocket
Kadie Pinkenba
Kaj Juutilainen
Kiki DeVinna
Kito Kyong
Larz Beresford
Lehks Fairy
Lemonodo Oh
LilTank Thibedeau
Ludvig Bravin
Markie Carter
Martial Eisenhart
Mathieu Karlsbar
Mirah Mcguire
Moere Denja
Muhu Janus
Nala Galatea
Natasha Leckrone
Natgeo Oh
Philip Eubanks
Pierrick Lubitsch
Pinelos Rokocoko
Pony Maine
Queen Edman
Rocket Jefferson
Romeo Reardon
Sarcophilus Halderman
Sasch Petrov
Sascha Laval
Sierra Sugar
Soldeous Stygian
Soul Zephyr
Summer Deadlight
Summer Slykes
Tanith McGinnis
Travie Tyles
Trinity Serpentine
Vortmax Mumfuzz
Wesley Spengler
Wil Grut
Xander Gackt
Zak Branner
Zeke Forcella

We left the post exactly the way it was posted, clearly poorly written, and with mistakes.

Lots of love -{Buzz

inVd takes shot at DJ Gregster Kidd

The train wreck that is Ammon Pera and Jason Feingold continues over at that rag blog inVd with their campaign going after people! Now they are going after DJ Greg and say that he was banned from a club. Yet, they lack any specifics as to which club they were talking about.

Is inVd really a reflection of the gay and fashion community? Does inVd reflect you? Tell your friends, tell us what you think about inVd and what they are doing! The endless attacks on good people is not right. Does this really need to be posted on a "fashion blog" that is supposed to be about "fun on the fly?" BULL! It is more like "Hatred fly in your face crap!"

Here is a copy of what they wrote.

Another trendy gay establishment boots the Drama Dj

DJ Gregster Kidd is a DANGEROUS man in the gay community. He leaves drama and chaos in his wake once again this past week, inVd has heard. Reports are that all hell triggered between DJ and employer and the rumors have been circling that the DJ had a problem about where his employer advertises. It ended up the DJ was fired for, yet once again, insubordination. The following night the DJ returned in anger to his once place of employment making repetitive insults and ridicules in open chat about his former employer and his business decisions. People were screaming "You've got to Leave!" pouting, Greg didn't split easily and his former employer had no option but to place a permanent banned. Some people were quoted saying, "We are excited to see him leave!" Another said, "He will not be missed!" According to many people the DJ's past reputations and his continued presence creates chaos and puts businesses in peril. No injuries were reported that evening or abuse reports made. The DJ was reportedly shortly replaced and was officially labeled a LIABILITY.

inVd also found out this happened twice to the DJ this past week at two of trendiest gay spots in the community. No wonder they're all calling you "Banned Greg!"

If you ask me, being associated with inVd, Ammon Pera and Jason Feingold is a LIABILITY! Being an ADVERTISER on inVd is a LIABILITY! Do you really want to be associated with them? Now that IS a LIABILITY!

inVd's Ammon Pera Take Shot At Good Guy Jordyn Carnell

The sickness that is inVd takes a lame shot at Jordyn Carnell! It was only a matter of time before Ammon Pera showed his ugly face again, no less published it on Valentines Day even though it was originally written on Wednesday. Unloveable, and hate monger Ammon Pera needs to finally be black listed from the SL community.

Here is a copy of this disgusting posting. Feel free to comment about inVd's behavior and show them your outrage.

"Jordyn Carnell' has been outed by a friend that he is a bonafide Hypocrite-and the brass is sick of dealing with his petty disagreements and infighting instigated by his own Sl delusional diva behaviour," an insider told inVd early this morning.
"Friends are hoping the hiatus of Jordyn Carnell straightens and serves as a reality check thats he's not the center of sl & and as everyone is ending the drama he continues.
"A few of Carnell's close friends said he needs a break. Friends also told inVd when he resumes "they hope he comes back with a smile on his face and without a chip on his shoulder."

Posted by Ammon Pera at 9:47 AM

This one goes out to you Ammon Pera " a reality check thats he's not the center of sl & and as everyone is ending the drama he continues..."

You're a horrible hateful creature that will attack anyone and everyone who won't agree with you. You're a poison to the SL community and should be banished to hell from where you came from.

Burn in hell Ammon Pera!

About Jordyn Carnell

Jordyn Carnell is one of the nicest people you'll ever meet in SL. He's 10,000% better that Ammon Pera and Jason Feingold. Jordyn Carnell has nothing to be ashamed of and should do what everyone else has done and stopped associating with dirtbag Ammon Pera. Ammon Pera is jealous of everyone's success and enjoys bashing them on his piece of garbage rag blog.


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Jason Feingold seeking dirt on Frolic Mills' BOSL

Drama Investigation!

Well my fellow possums we've gotten some interesting news about the latest gossip and rumors that are swirling around Jason Feingold and Ammon Pera!

Word is out that they are working a few people under their alts to get dirt on the Frolic Mills organization specifically about the Mr. Virtual World 2009 competition! The rumor is that they are looking under every rock to expose some kind of drama! As expected Jason Feingold and Ammon Pera have not wasted any of their free time looking to smear BOSL's good name.

This story is still developing and we'll let you know more as we get it!

Monday, February 9, 2009

50,000th Visitor of SL In World

Well I'm proud to be the 50,000th Visitor to!

Friday, February 6, 2009

"Coffee Talk" with SL Daily Buzz

Credit: by Broder Kubrick

Well it didn't take long for the Dirtbag Du Jour to change back to his old ways. An announcement that was just posted stating they will continue to attack and abuse people they don't like. Looks like the coffee is cancelling out the medication he was on! We think the "Time To End The Drama" was a joke, just like Ammon Pera and Jason Feingold. Don't fret, we've been working hard to keeping them honest.

We'll be keeping our media blitz going! Unlike inVd we don't pretend to be something we're not. We'll be calling them out on their disgraceful actions and behavior. We will continue to state our perspective on their shenanigans.



We know it wouldn't be long before you'd be back to your old ways, just like Joan Collins' character Alexis Morell Carrington Colby Dexter Rowan was from Dynasty! You know that show from the 80s? You're JUST like her, just not as fashionable, talented, witty, clever or pretty. Consider all those names as your alts in SL!

You can take the girl out of Bethlehem but you can't take the Bethlehem out of the girl! Now that you're back let the games continue!

Lots of love, Buzz

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

InVd Drama Free with a Fresh New Scent?

InVd announced yesterday that they were taking the highroad, but that does not excuse their actions and what they have done to others in the past. As a post over at Ammon Who? called "Time to end the Drama? Or.." makes a good point that it's time for "Mr. Pera, [to] tear that blog down". I wanted to re-post my reply here.

InVd cannot take the highroad while allowing all these posts that have bashed innconent people to remain on their blog!

I will agree if they tear that blog down and start anew without all those bashing posts then we'd be hard pressed to not do the same. As this is the very point we have been trying to make endlessly.

Honestly we don't think this decision was decided because they are good natured people. It is because what little support they had is slipping away! No one wants to be associated with a drama blog!? Advertisers won't pay money to be griefed by people complaining they are associated with a hater blog like inVd.

That is right! I said hater blog! Because they are a bunch of jealous untalented hateful jackasses. They lost ANY respect when they go after others thinking the stench of their actions won't affect them. Clearly the collateral damage of being an advertiser there is costing people plenty. I certainly won't patronize any paying advertiser on InVd.

As far as I am concerned they still reek of the same nasty odor of drama!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

inVd is making noise around the grid like howling flying monkeys!

We came across this inV outpost, charming isn't it?

We'd like to point out that inVd is making noise around the grid and the blogs, but not the kind they'd like all of their readers to think. It's been reported to us that they are not welcomed to most places in SL. The few places they are welcomed only tolerate them. It is only time before they get banned from the few places they go to now.

Ammon Pera has a loose cannon on his hands named Jason Feingold who continues his activities with chat sniffers and assortment of alts that cause grief for those around the GRID.

Just like everyone else, we at SL Daily Buzz would like to see inVd fall off the face of the GRID.


Wacko Jason Feingold gets the boot from BOSL (Best of SL) staff!! We are including a link here for you to read the news that Natalie Nivens has just posted! According to the posting Jason Feingold was considered too risky to keep on staff. We have to wonder what Jason Feingold was doing to get Frolic Mills to boot his sorry drug addicted ass out on the street. Could it be that word got out about all be nasty things this avatar has been doing to people?

KUDOS to Mr. Frolic Mills for this decision. However we'll have to warn Frolic Mills that the loose cannon that is Jason Feingold may attempt to disrupt your sims and visitors to your shops.

However, we have not been able to confirm this posting independantly. Wacko Jason Feingold is still showing under the BOSL staff group. We will keep you updated as this story is still developing. } Buzz


Wacko Jason Feingold reportedly is denying that he was booted from BOSL staff and provided a screen shot. However we find it interesting that he removed it from his profile. I guess we'll have to thumb through the last issue of BOSL and see if there are any articles written by him.

Not to our surprise we couldn't find a single article written by Jason Feingold. So it doesn't really matter if he wasn't officially booted, if you have nothing written in the BOSL magazine, you're effectively not in the magazine. If we did miss something that was written, it must have been on page 300, so far back no one is going to read it anyway. } Buzz

Friday, January 30, 2009

STALKER: Jason Feingold

Can you believe that InV Daily would publish an article about how to combat their own neighborhood stalker Jason Feingold? Clearly Ammon must know that Jason is known for dropping chat sniffers, stalking people, and harassing them with alts. He is jealous of their success. He has never recovered from the demise of Club High Energy which he ruined.

We have been getting a lot of great reports from a few people who Jason Feingold has been stalking, however when we approached them and they all declined to comment on it. Unlike InV Daily that would use anything they hear we actually respect people's requests not to be included in our reporting.

If you are currently being harassed by Ammon Pera, Jason Feingold or any or the other freaks of nature over at InV Daily, please reply to this posting! We want everyone to know all about it and show you our support!!

Thank You Ammon Pera for the Public Service Announcement!

InV Daily did us a favor and posted on how to handle stalkers like Jason Feingold just today. We decided to include a copy here for your enjoyment.


-----[Original Post]-----
As we've recently seen, stalking can happen in Second Life, just as Real Life. We've witnessed people obsessively seeking real life information on staff in an effort to intimidate them and sharing that information (true or false) in-world and on blogs. The same people have constantly checked profiles for any changes, made it a point to show up at venues where these people are and posted degrading and untrue information on blogs. Individuals involved in the stalking have threatened staff on several occasions for the simple act of keeping a publication running.

While inVd has no plans of changing it's style, we have chosen to offer you advice for what you can do if you are stalked by an ex-lover, competitor or someone else who thinks you have ruined their life.

First, make no references about the person, on their blog, in IM, or in public chat. Doing so will give defense a case that what is happening is a spat, not harassment, and investigators see this and often won't even look into a stalking claim if it is perpetuated.

Second, document, document, document. Turn on public chat logging and keep your IM logging on. Take screen shots of everything your stalker does, in case it's taken down. Get a notebook and write down everything with dates and times. Police expect you to have documentation of several incidents. One or two incidents is more likely to look like a fight than stalking.

Third, File abuse reports with Linden Labs. You might not get anywhere with the Lindens, especially if alts are involved, but your abuse reports can be subpoenaed for use in a trial.

Since we're in a virtual setting, there are certain steps you can take to protect yourself.

1. Don't give your real life information to anyone. You can see that there are some pretty crazy people out there. Some of them seem completely normal at first.

2. Don't share RL pictures. RL pictures can be used to find you if someone happens to figure out where your location is.

3. Don't use your RL name for your avatar name. This makes it easier for someone to find you in RL.

4. Keep as much as possible in-world. If harassment comes in-world, the Lindens will eventually address it. If it's out of world, they won't.

For both worlds, keep the number for your local law enforcement on hand and a phone with you in case your stalker shows up. inVd posted early in its creation about a woman who broke in to her ex lover's house and hid in his closet. Deadbolt your doors, change your phone number if necessary, alert your neighbors and try to keep enough money on hand to fund a stay in a hotel if necessary.

Unfortunately, stalkers can begin to base their self-esteem on their victims. The victim becomes their life. The obsession can go so far as a need to kill the victim. This carries over to virtual interactions as well. Take steps to protect yourselves before you find yourself in a position where the line between SL and RL blurs in a horrible fashion.

Stay safe
Posted by Ammon Pera

Thursday, January 29, 2009


Ammon Pera Deletes MTD1952's Article Submission

We couldn't let this censorship go unnoticed! Sorry Ammon Pera, you dirtbag! We got exclusive screen shot of this blog entry that was pending release on the InV Daily blog that will never get posted! So we JUST HAD TO POST IT HERE!! I do not see this as a 'Victory'. I see this as the right decision to for anyone who wants to get away from the stench of InV Daily and Ammon Pera! We say KUDOS MTD1952!


---------[Original Post Submitted Below]---------

from inVd by mtd1952 Timeless Time: 3:12 PM

This post is let all know that I, mtd1952 Timeless, will no longer associate or write for InVogue Daily,, or, for that matter, for any so-called "fashion" publication in Second Life.

I can only hope no one feels this denotes a "victory" on one side or another of any issue, because I'm here to tell ya... YOU ARE ALL INCREDIBLE LOSERS! Everyone that threatened, that posted this silly, sophomoric, insane, junior-high-school-grade ranting and raving, that stalked, chat-spied, used "alts" to deceive, and that fancies themselves "fashionable" or "haute couture" by virtue of purchasing a few pixels and draping them over a digital doll, get a freeking life, will ya?

I'm off to hang with those who value Second Life as a social medium, and a fun place to play. I chose a good name, "Timeless"... I don't have time for any more of this pungent, pusillanimous
posturing and pestilence.

Good luck to y'all... I'll be back to enjoying my hours online with folks who still retain some concept of perspective, and lack delusions of grandeur.

------------[Original Screenshot of Blog Entry]----------
[Click Image to Enlarge]

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


WARNING: This message might actually call out the ugly truth about the ugly people at InV Daily for the continuous bash fest!

It did not take long for the InV BASH FEST to get back in to high gear! In an article we just mentioned in our previous blog posting about MTD1952 Timeless's "Dum, Dum, Dee, Dum" blog entrys comment section is bursting with nasty anonymous postings.

MTD1952 aren't you bothered or even ashamed of being associated with this? You should be ashamed. You post about how everyone else has wronged the 'innocent' InV Daily, yet here we have on the very blog entry you posted having the typical BASH FEST InV Daily is known for in the comment section!!

"..certain blogsters and factions who seem to have some sort of sick, childish agenda and incredibly overinflated self-images which drive them to initiate social warfare rather than social interchange, in these venues."

This is InV Daily that you must be speaking about! Everyone who is associated with InV Daily, including you, those who have been interviewed there, and 'advertisers' are all partly supporting this activity!

Why would any self respecting person want to have anything to do with this sick InV blog or the people involved is beyond me, unless you're just like them.

Monday, January 26, 2009

OPINION: Dumb and Dumber, MTD1952

You know I have to admit I nodded off a few times trying to read what MTD1952 Timeless had to say in his lackluster "Dum, Dum, Dee, Dum" blog posting.

I have to admit it was well written. But lets break it down, shall we?

"Personal attacks on blog-sites, critical of my wardrobe, my choice of shoes, my association with InVogue, all of which are part of an online "game" that I play, called "Second Life". Well, whoop-de-fookin'-doo! Some folks have waaaaay too much time on their hands, methinks."

MTD1952, you 'work' (and I use the term loosely) for that "fashion blog". You have no taste nor any fashion sense, why are you posting on a blog that supposedly proclaims to be about "fashion". You certainly don't qualify. I am just calling it as we all see it. Time for a makeover if you ask me and everyone else that has the displeasure of gazing upon your avatar.

"What fascinates me is the marginal literacy of the participants in all this garbage, and its scant resemblance to anything remotely identifiable as "journalism", which is the only reason I ever penned a comment or blog post..."

What fascinates me is that you still don't understand the point everyone else is making. InV Daily has constantly attacked, slandered, and is libel for their actions. InV Daily does not truly allow free speech, and is moderated if you don't agree with what they say. If Ammon doesn't like someone, the bashing is endless.

Has Ammon Pera seen the light?

We don't think Ammon Pera realizes it yet, but he is responsible for all the negative blogging that has been happening. Through his "fashion blog" he has permitted people to slander, attack, or post RL facts and information on his rag blog. Get it? Maybe? Possibly? Probably not!

The newest posting about Eddi Haskell has taken things to the next level. This has nothing to do with 'fashion' or 'fun on the fly' at all. If anyone is responsible for the blog that Eddi Haskell has created it is Ammon Pera and the InV Daily goons.

We don't condone what Eddi Haskell is doing on his 'parody' blog. As we do not condone what InV Daily is doing to avatars on their rag blog permitting people to attack someone anonymously and unabated.

InV Daily has abused Eddi Haskell endlessly at every turn and opportunity. As you can see from the posting that was just posted just today.

"I have consciously and determinedly refrained from responding to any of the ongoing "wars" between certain blogsters and factions who seem to have some sort of sick, childish agenda and incredibly overinflated self-images which drive them to initiate social warfare rather than social interchange, in these venues."

Actually, you have not refrained at all, you have on many occasions participated in it. Sorry you're just as guilty as Ammon Pera, Jason Feingold and the rest of the cronies at InV. You make no apology for your hand in the drama that all of you actively participate in.

What InV Daily has done to many many people is indeed sick, and childish. InV Daily staff all have overinflated self-images which has driven others to blog and speak up about their involvement in the garbage and slanderous posts they have published. Look in the mirror, it's really not so pretty.

"My beautiful fellow Second Life residents, your avatars are just pixel-dolls, and real life is much, much more important than anything that happens there, but still the attitudes and mannerisms that permeate your Second-Life persona are, in some ways, reflections of what's inside the human being at the keyboard. Think a bit, choose to portray what's of value to you, (if anything), and if acrimony, hate, exploitation, and greed are your pastimes, then by all means, bring them along with you, to render our Second Life experience more "real", for these are parts of any world in which human beings walk."

We couldn't agree with you more. How Ammon Pera and the rest of the goon squad have permitted attacks upon people and have been treated on your blog is reprehensible beyond all telling. All of you truly have no conscience for your own actions. It is time that someone point out your own mistakes and how you take no accountability for your part in what happens to people.

It is your fault for the backlash that has sprung up. The double standard and self-righteous is just absolute with all of you. It is time for you to understand that YOU have CAUSED what is happening UPON you. You know, Karma?

How you can absolve yourselves from any responsibility is dumbfounding beyond comprehension.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

COMMENTARY: How I feel about Ammon Pera

InV Daily Drama Free? YEAH RIGHT!

In a stunning development that was first reported on Ammon Who? Ammon Peras profile was updated and now no longer charging people to report gossip but in fact are now willing to collect that information for free.

"Ammon Pera IS Drama!" When someone posted they are "drama free" you know they are the center of it! All you need to do is see what their ACTIONS are. Like the nasty comments that are posted on their rag blog "anonymously" bashing people.

InV directly has posted gossip on people, questioning peoples gender in RL and their RL age! Give me a break! Ammon Pera, you are nothing but a piece of garbage!

Stay away from this dirt bag and his cronies. At least he did us the favor and posted his goons in his profile. Don't trust them, don't tell them anything about your RL information and for heaven's sake don't say anything where Jason Feingold might have a chat logged planted.

Watch out for these drama dirt bags:

Ammon Pera
Demerick Creeley
Jason Feingold
Mtd1952 Timeless
Cole Sirnah (fashion)
Jade Collins (Head Photographer)

Of couse let's not forget that alt Edith Uborstein.

Consider the fact that this blog and others have popped up. Clearly Ammon Pera has done enough crap to enough innocent people on his rag blog to get this kind of response from many others.

This is a warning to all avatars in Second Life. Stay away from Ammon Pera, InV Daily cronies. They all have proven to be untrustworthy, back stabbing low class head cases.


Friday, January 23, 2009


In the latest posting about "Boystown Set to Close" there were several Anonymous comments speaking about Adham DeCuir's RL association with Sephiroth Czervik which we caught a view of just before Ammon Pera logged in and removed them. In a stunning move Ammon Pera is censoring posts unlike other times when people were allowed to trash people and reveal real life information about Avatars in Second Life.

We wonder why Ammon Pera and the InV goons have decided to "protect" Adham DeCuir, from what we have heard is a well respected and well liked person in Second Life. We applaud InV Daily for finally squashing slanderous and real life posts. Too bad chances are it was probably the InV staff themselves that actually posted that information and Ammon decided to remove them because he likes Adham DeCuir.

So here's a lesson for you, don't get on Ammon Pera's bad side cause he will permit slanderous comments and attacks on your reputation. If he doesn't like you, look out the mud's about to fly. We consider this to be yellow journalism and inconsistent in morals and values. Ammon Pera, and Jason Feingold are using their blog as a tool to abuse people they don't like and that is just wrong.

After all InV Daily failed to mention that Edith Uborstein used to be partnered to Shorne Destiny, as well as Syriana Paine was also partnered for a time to Shorne Destiny who was revealed on their blog to be a woman in real life.

Thursday, January 15, 2009


Don't make the mistake in thinking this was actually about top ten fashion designers. It really was based on people he likes or have actually paid for advertising on his magazine/blog.

Clearly if Ammon Pera and the rest of them really think 'THIS IS 'THE TOP TEN DESIGNERS' in all of SECOND LIFE, then CLEARLY InV Daily has been bought! I know, I know fellow readers our stomaches are turning too at the mere thought that InV Daily could be paid for their opinions and not have an unbiased and honest list of TOP TEN DESIGNERS.

Here's how WE rate THEIR TOP 10:

Redgrave (SL Daily Buzz Agrees)

SF Design (SL Daily Buzz likes SF Design, but we don't think they're a TOP 10, sorry)

Kal Rau (SL Daily Buzz likes Kal Rau but we don't think they're a TOP 10, sorry)

Emery (SL Daily Buzz likes Emery but we don't think they're a TOP 10, sorry)

Armidi (SL Daily Buzz Agrees)

AlphaMale (SL Daily Buzz likes AlphaMale but not a TOP 10, sorry)

Aitui (SL Daily Buzz likes Aitui but not a TOP 10, sorry)

Jeeper Creepers (Don't these guys JUST do shoes?)

Just For Him (SL Daily Buzz, definitely not in our TOP 30, sorry)

Argrace (SL Daily Buzz, good stuff but not enough to be on our TOP 10, sorry)

No, we already know who you are! Yuk!

Well we already know what kind of person is behind Ammon Pera. But he deleted this post and well I just HAVE to share! Enjoy!!!!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Who's behind Ammon?

Is sl heading in the direction of rl? Maybe, maybe not. I have seen this happening months ago with my own character Ammon Pera. Some people's obsessions with him (hate or love) and trying to bring out his rl gave me the brilliant idea. When I first heard this I immediately thought to buy the Which I did. Over the last few months rumors have increased about my rl which I exactly wanted them to do. It is pandemic now. Maybe it's my time....Don't you really want to know me?


Ammon Pera
(Click picture above to see larger image)

Sunday, January 11, 2009

They walk among us!

Another exciting weekend for me as we have learned some new wonderful dirt on someone I love to hate. Looks like we know who will be on InV's hit list next. You know it's a bad omen to be featured on that blog. You will become the next target. Can't say you didn't know what you were walking in to when you agreed to be featured on there.

We've got several friends on the inside who have been gushing some great dirt to us here at SL Daily Buzz. Until we can get some verification and of course great pictures to include we'll keep quiet for now.

Karma is a killer! Hope you are enjoying the games we have featured!

Friday, January 9, 2009


Well it was bound to happen! After all the evil things this avatar has done it's time for Ammon to face his fate!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Island Projects washes Shampoo out of his hair!

Well I have to tell you about this public dispute! It seems Island Projects a.k.a Colt Parx has washed that Queen Edman out of his hair and the Club too! After one of our "Ghost Writers" was snooping around we see that both of there profiles have announced that Shampoo was washed out of Animation Risings SIM. Which if you bothered to go to InV's rag site is a "major advertiser" (probably doesn't pay anything, Ammon must of given him free advertising too!)

Heres what Island Projects wrote in his Picks, Titled: FACTS ABOUT CLUB SHAMPOO & QUEEN EDMAN

"He states he was kicked off the sim of Animations Rising, yet he failes to tell the FULL TRUTH of this. Yes, he was asked to leave but he was also giving 25 days to do so.. he CHOOSE to leave. He also fails to tell why he was asked to leave. ( His art)

He has stolen and tried to steal MANY Of my ideas ( Colt Parx) as well as used my scripts, and used my name to advance or try to advance his own artwork.. this is the reason he was removed from Animations Rising!
He was never giving my permission to use my ideas or scripts to promo his OWN ART.
( I have photo's to prove this fact)
Btw, how do you stalk someone by reading a profile? HHAH OMG TO FUNNY!"

You know you have to laugh at this other wise it would turn you in to a Wacko! If I were to take sides on this I would have to believe Island Projects before Queen Edman, who by the way was on InV's TOP 10 of 2008 as the defunct Club High Energy's winner as "DJ Superstar"?! Amazing someone who Jason Feingold states is a DJ Superstar, who clearly has a less than stellar reputation. All ties back to that trash InV blog.

Gay, Dance, Leather, club, clubs, gay men, Gay Club ,Nightclub ,Gay Danceclub, Gay Dance Club, Dance Club,Danceclub Dance,DJ,Dj's"

I guess Queen Edman should revise that entry a bit don't you think? Don't expect any sympathy from me, sounds like Queen is a real winner.

Wack a Wacko!

OMG!! Tell all your friends! It's time to Wack a Wacko!!!!!!!